Friday, August 31, 2012

Pickering Passage Closed to Commercial Harvesting of Oysters

Pickering Passage has been closed to commercial harvesting of oysters due to illnesses traced directly to oysters harvested from this growing area. This is now the 9th commercial growing area which has been closed because of illness caused by oysters harvested from Puget Sound. These illnesses continue a known and growing problem.

Laboratory-Confirmed cases of Vibriosis
(Note: CDC estimates for every laboratory
confirmed case >40 are not reported to CDC.)
The annual outbreak of vibriois caused by oysters harvested from Puget Sound is an ongoing annual problem. When the FDA attempted to deal with lowering numbers through press releases the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association reacted with complaints of "economic harm" (see Issue Paper below). Currently the "Blue Ribbon Panel" on Ocean Acidification is recommending actions specifically for the benefit of the shellfish industry with estimated costs at over $4 million (Note: A number of actions' estimates were not available, only noting they were "dependent on scale.") Decisions on the allocation of taxpayer dollars for the shellfish industry might consider the fact that warming temperatures will bring with it an increase in the naturally occurring Vibrio parahaemolyticus and most likely its more deadly cousin Vibrio vulnificus (currently found in Gulf State oysters which kills 50% of those who contract it). Allocating a portion of those taxpayer dollars to prevent outbreaks might be something for the "Public Outreach" committee and panel to consider.
PCSGA Issue Paper on FDA Press Releases
(click to enlarge)

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