Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pierce County Shoreline Master Program Meeting August 1

August 1 there will be a meeting at 6:30PM to discuss Pierce County's update to their Shoreline Master Program.
August 1, 2012 Peninsula High School
14105 Purdy Drive NW, Gig Harbor
Get involved if you care about whether the shellfish industry should be regulated. Aquaculture may be a preferred use of the shoreline, but that does not mean corporate shellfish farmers should get a free pass to use whatever methods they wish at whatever hours of the day or night they want.

Burley Lagoon, Pierce County

Corporate claims that methods used are "no worse than a natural event" is no different than saying an open pit mine is no different than a flood. It is different. Waters recede and land recovers, open pit mining goes on and on with no recovery. Intensive aquaculture goes on and on with no recovery. It is not the same as a "natural event" no matter how many times lobbyists claim it is. Get involved. Corporate shellfish lobbyists are.

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