Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ocean Acidification: What Washington Can Do To Show It's Serious About CO2 Emissions

Governor Gregoire's "Blue Ribbon Panel" has held 3 meetings to try and understand CO2 and ocean acidification, and what meaningful steps might be taken, based on facts. A fourth meeting is scheduled for June 20, 9AM to 4PM, at the Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st Street. Access is also available through the internet by registering for the "webinar" here. The June 20 meeting agenda is available here.

What Washington Can Do

Is the Governor really serious about doing something? Are the current candidates serious about doing something?  Is the panel serious about suggesting something? If so, all should consider this paragraph - especially the last sentence - from "The Greenhouse Gas Impact of Exporting Coal from the West Coast" (click here for entire paper):
This paper concludes that the proposed coal export facilities in the Northwest will result in more coal consumption in Asia and undermine China’s progress towards more efficient power generation and usage. Decisions the Northwest makes now will impact Chinese energy habits for the next half-century; the lower coal prices afforded by Northwest coal exports encourage burning coal and discourage the investments in energy efficiency that China has already undertaken. Approving proposed coal export facilities would also undermine Washington State’s commitment to reducing its own share of greenhouse gas emissions.

Committees sometimes accomplish great things if they take bold steps based on facts. China's growing CO2 emissions is the single largest source of CO2 now entering the Pacific Ocean, resulting in lower pH levels. Is Washington really serious about doing something? The panel and the Governor can show just how serious Washington State is about CO2 emissions to the nation and the world, as can the current candidates, and not approve export terminals.

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