Friday, June 8, 2012

Derelict Vessel Deep Sea Back in Seattle

The derelict vessel Deep Sea which sank in Penn Cove last month was towed back to Seattle where its journey began (see KIRO TV raw video of its being towed here).  Ironically, it was sold by the Port of Seattle to a private party who towed it to Penn Cove in January. After mysteriously catching fire in May it sank, discharging over 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel into Penn Cove, with an additional 3,500 gallons off-loaded while it was submerged. Harvesting at Penn Cove Mussels' mussel farm was halted with portions of the farm still closed due to contamination by fuel. [Update:  Penn Cove Mussels has been cleared to harvest mussels again.]

Deep Sea Approaching the Ballard Locks
Local shipyard to scrap ship that caught fire, sank in Penn Cove
(photo by pmkmbooth5, from KOMO)

The Deep Sea was inspected yesterday by the King County Fire Investigation Unit which is trying to determine if arson was the cause of the fire which caused the derelict vessel to sink in Penn Cove last month (see KING TV article here).  The vessel was without power and unoccupied, making the fire suspicious.

Deep Sea at Stabbert Maritime Yacht and Ship Dry Dock
Where it will be Dismantled after Inspection
(photo from KING TV)

This is the ship's final port where it will be dismantled and sold for scrap, leaving in its wake questions about how legislation could leave agencies so powerless to act on regulations so clearly written. As a result, to date over $1.5 million of taxpayer dollars has been spent and Penn Cove's shellfish harvesting was brought to a halt.

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